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HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsiFly General Di...iFly General Di...Fuel price updates?Fuel price updates?
New Post
11/8/2018 6:12 AM

WOW, more discussion than what I was expecting.  I haven’t found any discrepancies with the fuel prices on Ifly yet. I was just wondering, (if a discrepancy was found), was there a way to let the provider know.  Also I have no problems with how AP gets the data. Fuel prices can vary greatly from airport to airport, I use Ifly to locate the least expensive fuel and plan my route accordingly. However, I also try to call the FBO‘s directly but, should I forget to call, the credit card will still buy the fuel, albeit at a higher rate than first thought, oh well, should have called.

Thanks for all the replies and discussion.


New Post
11/10/2018 12:12 PM

Yes, please put in a STRONG request to use a different supplier for fuel pricing.  As it is now, the fuel prices reported on Ifly gps are simply not trustworthy ... which is a big deal in aviation, is it not.  I will continue to use Ifly gps as my only application because it is so awesome, and believe me I've tried a bunch of other apps.  And I don't mind double checking fuel pricing along my route with airnav ... but I always have to do this to make sure I'm getting reliable fuel pricing reports.  Thanks for any assistance you may be able to give on this issue!

New Post
11/10/2018 12:26 PM
It certainly would be better if the infomation iFly gives is always the best available.
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