Samsung Galaxy Tab S5e vs 6 - iFly GPS for Android - iFly EFB

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HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsiFly GPS for An...iFly GPS for An...Samsung Galaxy Tab S5e vs 6Samsung Galaxy Tab S5e vs 6
New Post
8/23/2019 6:53 AM

LEFT is S5e vs RIGHT is 6, rest is exactly identical.

For those interested in buying a new Android device.

New Post
8/23/2019 8:33 AM

Dunno but I'll take a shot ...

If we're talking about speed, left appears slower. 

Right is powered vs Left on battery so maybe the processor is slowed down?
Swipe speed matters I suppose.  What happens when you give a "toss" with a quick swipe?
I'm assuming there are no dissimilar background apps.

FWIW my Tab E is a tiny bit faster but I'm probably not replicating all the conditions.


Rusty IFR pilot. Liking iFly GPS.
New Post
8/27/2019 1:38 PM

I'd say both of those tablets are having a significant issue of some sort going on.  Here is iFly on my Tab S5e.

Can you send a bug report Menu->About->Send Bug Report, maybe a clue in the log file will tell us what's going on.

Walter Boyd
President, Adventure Pilot
New Post
8/27/2019 4:15 PM

Now do the same with TRACK UP...!?

New Post
8/28/2019 8:41 AM

Ah, I see.  It's rotating the map as well...that is a slow operation.  This should be fixable though, I've put it on the buglist.

Walter Boyd
President, Adventure Pilot
HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsiFly GPS for An...iFly GPS for An...Samsung Galaxy Tab S5e vs 6Samsung Galaxy Tab S5e vs 6