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HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsiFly General Di...iFly General Di...lightning?lightning?
New Post
3/20/2020 2:17 PM

Searched but could not find any info on this yet. Are lightning strikes now showing on the map?

New Post
3/21/2020 6:44 AM

The release notes for version 11.0.74 include mention that lightning strikes are now supported.   I don't know if that's the earliest version that included them.  (I'm also not certain what the current public release version is, since I'm on the beta channel.)

You can check the version notes by starting iFly then navigating to Menu > About > Version and Contact, and clicking the "What's New?" button.

New Post
3/25/2020 10:31 AM

Lightning was included in version 11.  It is only received via ADSB.  Below is a screen shot.  Note the bolts with the red line, these are "Positive" charged bolts, more dangerous.  The ones to the right are negative.  These show up with the Nexrad, so enable that layer to see lighting also. 


Walter Boyd
President, Adventure Pilot
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