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New Post
1/4/2019 10:01 AM

Couple months back I was having problems downloading new charts to the 8GB card supplied with my iFly 720 several years back.  The 8GB card was unable to hold all the US IFR/VFR subscription so I was only  loading 24 southern, mid-atlantic and southwestern states I am likely to travel.  I was having several problems both downloading (kept getting error messages) and some new features did not seem to work properly.  Discussing the errors with JJ, I bought a new 16GB card that came loaded with all the US IFR/VFR with room left over.  Several little things are now working as they should.  And I have all charts and procedures for the US!  Today, I updated with the new charts by putting the card in my computer.  Download speed was quite a bit faster than the old card, I saw speeds as fast as 3200kbps!  Only took about 10 minutes!  What an improvement.  

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