Your 214-585-0444 phone is down  

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HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsiFly General Di...iFly General Di...Your 214-585-0444 phone is down  Your 214-585-0444 phone is down  
New Post
8/16/2019 12:59 PM

I am looking at your products, and I called your  214-585-0444 support phone number. 

The call did not go through.  It fails to ring.
I tried several times. Do you know your phones are down? 

New Post
8/16/2019 1:09 PM

For what it's worth. I tried from the other side of the Atlantic, doesn't work either...

New Post
8/16/2019 3:59 PM

Try again.  It's working for me. 

FWIW, when I dialed, there was no phone ringing; the call immediately went through to a robotic phone tree, where you could enter an extension or select from a menu of options to get to the proper support folks (sales vs. technical support).

New Post
8/24/2019 1:11 PM

Another update on the PingEFB erroneous target a/c altitudes.  I received my brother's PingEFB and it does exactly what mind does regarding wrong altitudes. I am right next to KMSP and taxing aircraft are showing 1682' and the field elevation is 840'.  So is it the Ping or is it iFly?  

New Post
8/24/2019 2:20 PM

I think you may have mistakenly replied to the wrong message thread...

HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsiFly General Di...iFly General Di...Your 214-585-0444 phone is down  Your 214-585-0444 phone is down