FYI - esectional.exe error - iFly Owners Q&A - iFly EFB

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HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsiFly Owners Q&AiFly Owners Q&AFYI - esectional.exe errorFYI - esectional.exe error
New Post
5/2/2011 5:36 PM

FYI, I fired up my iFly (using latest version of software) this weekend to finally get some flying time in. Between when I turned the power on and when I was running my pre-takeoff checklist, I got an error about a problem with eSectional.exe. Unfortunately was ready to take off so didn't get exact message. Turned power to iFly off / on, and flew with it the rest of the flight with no error.

Sorry there aren't better details, didn't have time to get them.



New Post
5/2/2011 5:37 PM

p.s. latest version being 5.14. I had just upgraded the night before from one of the beta versions (I think 5.08)



HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsiFly Owners Q&AiFly Owners Q&AFYI - esectional.exe errorFYI - esectional.exe error