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HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsiFly Owners Q&AiFly Owners Q&A2nd SD card?2nd SD card?
New Post
7/29/2018 9:00 AM

Cobra is correct, SD cards have a serial numbe in a sectorr that is not  overwritten when the SD is cloned.  The "Streets" software is tied to this serial number, and that's why it doesn't work on a cloned SD card.  I usually carried a backup SD card for the 740 that worked fine, but the Streets software would not work on the backup card.

Copying everything ifrom a working SD card nto a folder on my PC desktop and then copying everything from that folder onto a new SD card worked for me, even copying to a different sized card.

Jeff Nokomis Clark, Mooney M20G, iFly app on ASUS ZenPad Z8s, ASUS ZenFone AR, ASUS Windows 10 tablet, Stratux ADS-B w AHRS
New Post
7/29/2018 10:13 AM

I tried to clone a second card purchased from a local store, but was unable to get it to work.  Perhaps it’s possible with certain software, but I bought one from the IFly store and it works fine.  I have one at home and one in my panel mounted 740 35 miles away. Updating from home before I fly, swapping it out and bringing the other home for update makes the process much easier. 

New Post
7/29/2018 3:29 PM
Cobra wrote:

I think it's as easy as taking blank SD card, and copying all the files from the original iFly SD card to the new one.

I don't know if the dedicated iFly units still support the "Streets" navigation app. (I have never used that feature), but if yours does, then that feature will not work with the second SD card using this method (it is somehow "locked" to the original SD card...I dunno how they do that). Sounds like that may not be important to you, though, since the device always stays with the plane.

That's correct the device stays in the plane and I don't use it for "streets". I think I may want to get confirmation from iFly this will work, since so far everyone's answer seems like speculation. unless anyone has actually done it?

New Post
7/29/2018 3:32 PM
Donald Shelley wrote:

I tried to clone a second card purchased from a local store, but was unable to get it to work. Perhaps it’s possible with certain software, but I bought one from the IFly store and it works fine. I have one at home and one in my panel mounted 740 35 miles away. Updating from home before I fly, swapping it out and bringing the other home for update makes the process much easier.

hmmm. interesting. thanks
New Post
7/29/2018 3:39 PM
Ok so this is the ticket...you have to buy the 2nd SD card from the iFly store. There is an option to ad Streets if needed.

Thanks everyone.
HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsiFly Owners Q&AiFly Owners Q&A2nd SD card?2nd SD card?