Why no [BRG:Next] instrument? - iFly Owners Q&A - iFly EFB

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HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsiFly Owners Q&AiFly Owners Q&AWhy no [BRG:Next] instrument?Why no [BRG:Next] instrument?
New Post
8/12/2019 11:13 AM


It seems like there ought to be an instrument called [BRG:Next] that shows/hides only when there is a waypoint, like the [Waypoint],[Dist:Next],[ETE:Next],[ETA:Next] instruments.

The [Bearing] instrument seems to show the bearing to the next waypoint, but  doen't show/hide with the rest of waypoint related instruments.

Am I missing something, or is that a feature request?

Jeff Gilbert

When waypoint present, yellow instruments show When no waypoint, all buy Bearing instrument are hidden

New Post
8/28/2019 8:52 AM

The current Bearing instrument shows either Wpt or Final.  Yes behavior of this is a little different than the Distance & ETE instruments, you are not missing anything.  So this is a feature request.


Walter Boyd
President, Adventure Pilot
HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsiFly Owners Q&AiFly Owners Q&AWhy no [BRG:Next] instrument?Why no [BRG:Next] instrument?