Change "Animate Nexrad" from Action Button to Persiste

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HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsiFly Wish-ListiFly Wish-ListChange "Animate Nexrad" from Action Button to Persistent CheckboxChange "Animate Nexrad" from Action Button to Persistent Checkbox
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8/17/2018 7:58 PM

I prefer to always see animated NEXRAD to get better context of where the weather is heading. So, everytime I open iFly I find myself waiting several seconds (to populate older instances of NEXRAD data), opening Map Mode, then going to the NEXRAD gear menu and finally pressing Animate Nexrad. If I didn't wait long enough for the Animate Nexrad to appear then I have to press Close and start over again.

A simple change of "Animate Nexrad" to a persistent checkbox instead of an action button would save a lot of frustration and button presses for those that prefer animation and would change nothing for those that prefer a static view.

HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsiFly Wish-ListiFly Wish-ListChange "Animate Nexrad" from Action Button to Persistent CheckboxChange "Animate Nexrad" from Action Button to Persistent Checkbox